Child Development & Education Department Student Survey

This survey is used for research purposes only. All responses will remain confidential. You may choose not to answer any questions.

Thank you for your time and support.

De Anza College

1. Which courses are you enrolled in?


3. MAJOR AT DE ANZA: What is your major - the area in which you will concentrate most of your studies at De Anza?

4.  What is your educational goal?

5. PRIOR EDUCATION:  Check highest degree or certificate presently held.

6. ETHNICITY:  Your response to this item will be used in a report on the status of minority participation in teacher training programs.
Check the one which best applies.

7. PRIMARY LANGUAGE: When reading new material or hearing a lecture, what is your language preference?

9. COURSE LOAD: Indicate the number of Child Development Units in which you are currently enrolled.

10. SCHEDULING: Check all of the times that you would actually attend classes if offered.


12. How many hours do you work each week in any field?

14. COMPLETING COURSE WORK:  Who pays your tuition? (books, parking, transportation)

15. PROGRAM COMPLETION:  Check all options that you will complete in this academic year.

16. SUPPORT SERVICES:  What college service(s) would help you to be more successful?

17. What student support service(s) have you used on campus?

18. OUTREACH AND ASSISTANCE ACTIVITIES:  Which of the following have you participated in while a student in the Child Development department?

19. Do you have computer access or computer availability including the internet?
Mark all that apply.

20. What do you feel is the biggest challenge to your success in classes?

21. What teaching method helps you to be a more effective learner?

22. PROGRAM PUBLICITY:  How did you first hear about the Child Development program at De Anza?

23. RATING: The classes you have taken at De Anza College Child Development Department.

24. Did the courses in CD at De Anza College prepare you to work in a high quality early childhood program?

25. Did the CD courses at De Anza College prepare you with the knowledge and practices appropriate to teaching all young children?

26. Which description best suits the classroom/family child care home you currently work in?

27. If you attended the Child Development Student Orientation please rate how useful it was to you:

ICCs' Survey Questions (developed by a group)

For All Students Enrolled in CD Classes

28. How much has your experience in CD at De Anza College prepared you to communicate the developmental and behavioral needs of young children?

29. How much has your experience in CD at De Anza College prepared you to evaluate the development of young children?

30. How much has your experience in CD at De Anza College prepared you to identify atypical development in young children?

31. How much has your experience in CD at De Anza College prepared you to utilize qualitative analysis, naturalistic observation techniques, to assess child development, classroom experiences, and curriculum?

32. How much has your experience in CD at De Anza College prepared you to identify community resources to support children and families in solving programmatic dilemmas?

33. How much has your experience in CD at De Anza College help you to adapt ideas and methods to new situations in early childhood setting?

34. How much has your experience in De Anza College prepared you to create developmentally appropriate lesson plans for young children?

35. How much has your experience in CD at De Anza College prepared you to solve ethical dilemmas in the early childhood setting?

36. How much has your experience in CD at De Anza College prepared you to explore with parents different scenarios to addressing their child’s developmental or behavioral challenges?

37. How much has your experience in CD at De Anza College prepared you to adjust your curriculum to address children needs in the early childhood setting?

38. How much has your experience in CD at De Anza College prepared you to analyze research papers related to child development?