General Subject Tutoring Center Survey

Thank you for taking the time to provide us important feedback on your satisfaction with the services you received at the Student Success Center.

Your information will help us best meet your educational needs.

1. What Student Success Center services/tutoring have you used?
Check all that apply.

2. In the General Subject Tutoring Center, what subjects did you
request help? Check all that apply.

3. Which type of tutoring did you use? Check all that apply.

For questions 4-18, please choose from the following answers:
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree.

4. The staff was friendly and helpful.

5. The staff took the time to answer my questions and explain how
tutoring works.

6. It was easy to get a tutor.

Tutor and Tutoring Sessions:

7. For the weekly individual tutoring, the tutor was on time for
the session(s).

8. For the weekly individual tutoring, if my tutor could not make the
session, s/he gave me enough notice.

9. The tutor clearly explained the policies and procedures for using
the services in the center.

10. The tutor was willing to listen to my questions and concerns.

11. The tutor was patient.

12. The tutor helped me to identify my problem area(s).

13. The tutor knew and understood the subject matter.

14. The tutor explained the material and concepts clearly.

15. My tutor helped me develop more effective study strategies.

Student Outcomes:

16. After working with a tutor, my knowledge and understanding of
the subject increased.

17. After working with a tutor, my study skills have improved.

18. After working with a tutor, I have a better attitude towards
the subject.

19. What grade do you think you would have received before tutoring?

20. What grade do you think you will get after tutoring?

Wrapping Up--you are almost done!

Approximately how many times did you meet with a tutor or
staff during the quarter for the following services?

21. Weekly Individual Tutoring

22. Drop-In Tutoring

23. Group Tutoring

24. Workshops

25. Computer Use

26. I would recommend using the General Subject Tutoring Center (ATC 305).